Is there a salary?
No, this is a self employed position. You’ll be paid by invoicing us for each post created every month.
When do I get paid?
At the end of the month, you provide an invoice to Arlot and that invoice will be checked and paid within ten days. If there are corrections then a new invoice will need to be supplied.
Is there set hours?
No, you can choose to work when like, however, clients will want to talk to you at random times during the day, evening and sometimes weekends. Ideally, you’ll need to be available to communicate with them.
Is it content posting and replying to messages etc?
No, all we do in the contract with the client is provide post content and then post it to there platforms. There’s no engagement, this is down to the client to do.
Can I get my own clients?
Absolutely, you are free to do so, although this would need to be processed in the same manner.
What software will I be using?
We have a range of software that you will use to stay organised and work efficiently. The exact software will be discussed in your training period